“By 2022, Shri Agrasen Vidyalaya will strive to inculcate moral values in the students to make them responsible and active human being of India.”


Home / Examination
Examination, Evaluation and Promotion

In all the classes rules framed and given by CBSE from time to time will be followed:

1) Montessori :-

There will be no formal examination in the Montessori classes. Promotions to the higher class will be on the basis of individual progress.

2) Classes I to V:-

There will be no formal examination in the Montessori classes. Promotions to the higher class will be on the basis of individual progress.


Term I (100 Marks)

(1st half of the session)

20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam

Term II (100 Marks)

(2nd  half of the session)

20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam

Language – 1

Language – 2


Environmental Studies

PA 20 marks

·  Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by the school

Notebook Submission 5 marks at term end

Subject Enrichment 5 marks at term end

Half Yearly

Oral + Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly exam dates by school

Class I & II Environmental Studies exam will be oral.

PA 20 marks

· Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by the school

·Notebook Submission 5 marks at term end

·Subject Enrichment 5 marks at term end

Yearly Exam

Oral + Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered as below

· Class I to III: Entire  syllabus of 2nd term.

· Class IV & V: 5% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term

· Class I& II: Environmental Studies exam will be oral.

3) Classes VI to VIII :-

3.1: Scholastic Area : The assessment structure and examination for classes VI – VIII have been prepared in view of the provision of RTE- Act 2009 and comprises of two terms 1 and 2 as explained below:-

Subject Term I (100 Marks)

(1st half of the session)

20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam

Term II (100 Marks)

(2nd  half of the session)

20 marks Periodic Assessment + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam

Language – 1

Language – 2

Language – 3



Social Science

PA 20 marks

·  Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by the school

· Notebook Submission 5 marks at term end

·Subject Enrichment 5 marks at term end

Half Yearly

·  Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly exam dates by school

PA 20 marks

· Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by the school

·Notebook Submission 5 marks at term end

· Subject Enrichment 5 marks at term end

Yearly Exam

Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered as below

Class VI: 10% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.

Class VII: 20% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term

Class VIII: 30% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term

3.2 : Subject Enrichment Activities : These are subject – specific activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. These activities are to be carried out through out the term, however, they should be evaluated ate the term – end.

3.3 Language : Aimed at equipping the learner to develop effecting listening and speaking skills. The language teachers may devise their own methods and parameters for assessment of the language.

3.4: Mathematics : For the activities in mathematics following links in CBSE website may be referred to (visit the hyperlinks given below) :

Link 1 – Classes3-8(.doc)

Link 2 – Classes3-6(.pdf)

Link 3 – Classes7-8(.pdf)

3.5: Science : Practical work and activities in Science may be undertaken as suggested by the NCERT Syllabus and Text Book . The following link in CBSE Website may be referred to: ScienceActivityclassVIII

3.6: Social Science: Map or the project work may be undertaken as suggested by the NCERT Syllabus and Text Book.

Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas
(Classes I-VIII)
(School will award grades as per the following grading scale)
Marks Range Grade
91-100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D
32 and below E (Needs improvement)
Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas
(Classes IX)
(School will award grades as per the following grading scale)
91-100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D
32 and below E (Failed)

Co-Scholastic Activities(Classes VI-VIII): For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas will be carried out in CBSE affiliated schools by the teachers and will be grated term-wiseon a 3 -point grading scale (A=Outstanding,B=Very Good and C=Fair) .The aspect of regularity,sincere participation , output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following co-scholastic activities:

(a) Work Education- Work education refers to skill-based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community.

(b) Art Education(Visual & Performing Art)

(c) Health and Physical Education(Sports/Marital Arts/Yoga/NCC etc.)

Discipline(Classes VI to VIII): The students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity,behavior, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on Discipline will be done term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding,B=Very Good and C=Fair).

4) Class IX & X:-

A. As per the remodeled assessment structure effective from the academic year 2017-18. There will be four examinations during the session viz. Pre Mid, Mid, Post Mid (Pre Annual/Pre Board) & annual.

I. Periodic Test:

school should conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. The schools have the autonomy to make its own schedule. However, for the purpose of gradient learning, three test may be held as one being the mid-term test and other the two being pre mid and post mid term with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The appearing in the Board Examination with 100% syllabus. The school will take the average of the best two tests for final marks submission.

II. Notebook Submission:

Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the classroom as well as assignments. This also addresses the critical aspect of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep.

III. Subject Enrichment Activities:

These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development. These activities are to be recorded internally by respective subject teachers.

For Language: Activities conducted for subject enrichment in language should aim at equipping the learner to develop effective speaking and listening skills.

For Mathematics: The listed laboratory activities and project as given in the prescribed publication of CBSE/NCERT may be followed.

For Science: The listed practical works / activities may be carried out as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.

For Science: The listed practical works / activities may be carried out as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.

For Social Science: Map and project work may be undertaken as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.

B. Co- Scholastic Activities:

Schools should promote co – curricular activities for the holistic development of the student. These activities will be graded on a 5 – point grading scale (A to E) and will have no descriptive indicators. No up scaling of grades will be done.

Activity To be graded on a 5-point scale (A to E) in school Areas and Objectives
(as prescribed in the Scheme of Studies for Subjects of Internal Assessment)
Work, Education or Pre- Vocational Education By the connected Teacher Work education is a distinct curricular area for students for participation in social, economic and welfare activities. Student gets a sense of community service and develops self-reliance. (for Pre- Vocational Education as per Scheme of Studies)
Art Education By the VA/PA or the connected teacher Art Education constitutes an important area of curricular activity for development of wholesome personality of the students. Students will select one or more forms of creative arts.
Health & Physical Education (Sports / Martial Arts/ Yoga/ NCC etc.) Bt the PE Teacher Health & Physical Activity preferably sports must be given a regular period. Students should be provided opportunities to get professionally trained in the area of their interest. Indigenous sports, yoga and NCC must be encouraged in the schools creating a sense of physical fitness, discipline, sportsmanship, patriotism, self- sacrifice and health care.
C. Discipline (Attendance , Sincerity, Behavior , Values):

Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity, good behavior and values develop strength and foster unity and co – operation . Therefore the element of discipline has been introduced. Class teacher will be responsible for grading students on a five point Scale (A to E). The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10+5+5) entails objectivity and a structured approach. For a holistic assessment, the teachers are expected to make it an effective tool.

4) Class XI :-

There will be three examinations during the session viz, Quarterly, Half Yearly & Annual. Minimum Passing marks 33 % Promotion to the higher classes will be made as per rules framed by the CBSE. It is compulsory to get passing marks in Practical & Theory separately.

5) Class XII :-

There will be four examinations during the session viz. Quarterly, Half Yearly, Pre- Board and Annual Board Examination.